Social TransitionS
CHANGE OF DATE On the 2nd of March 2022, we will continue our TransitionS Seminar Series with a session dedicated to social transitions, from 13h30 to 15.00 CET We will have the pleasure to...
CHANGE OF DATE On the 2nd of March 2022, we will continue our TransitionS Seminar Series with a session dedicated to social transitions, from 13h30 to 15.00 CET We will have the pleasure to...
Ce réseau s’appuie sur des approches résolument tournées vers le comment et pas uniquement le pourquoi (Zolfagharian et al., 2019). L’objectif est que les recherches présentées et développées au sein du réseau permettent de...
Collective responses to grand challenges such as climate change, inequality explosion, or biodiversity loss, imply not only to deeply transform socio-technical regimes that shape our economies and ways of life, but also to take...
The main purpose of this blog is to publish information about the constitution and the activities of an international network of researchers dedicated to the study of the management and assessment of transition(s) innovations...